September 20, 2020
I’ve been shooting professionally now for a while, and I have honestly been blessed by the most amazing clients. And this last month I have had so many beautiful senior girls that have blown me away because they have all been incredibly kind and sweet. This girl Miss Ella, just about knocked my socks off not just because she was stunning AND nice, but she absolutely could pose like no other. She demanded the camera the entire time. And what that told me was she was really ok with herself, which at this age can be hard, she was comfortable with who she was and she was a complete joy. I really could have shot her for days. And bonus…her momma was there the entire time, and I knew exactly why this young lady was such a treasure. This momma and her girl had a bond, and yet I felt welcomed into their beautiful space. They both were such a treasure and so much fun…laughter was none stop! So it was an immense honor and privilege photographing this young woman, she is a beauty for the world to see; not only physical, but also of the heart.
If you're into chasing sunsets and creating a lifetime of memories or
telling your story, then I'm your gal!